Posted by Shonantha at 8:19 PM

Berteduh di antara awan yang beriring
Terasa sejuk ,,sungguh sejuk ,,udara di tengah panasnya kota,,
Kota Jeparaku,,,,,
Berjalan di atas kerikil-kerikil yang lembut
Serasa ringan langkah-langkah kaki
Yang menapaki isi kotaku,,
Labels: Jepara 0 comments
Kartini Beach
Posted by Shonantha at 10:00 PM

Most people know the city as the city of Jepara Kartini, because a hero of the women had been born in this city. Besides holding the City of Kartini, carving the city designation is also very fitting, because the centers that carve a lot of spread in this region. The other side is the side that has not been exploited tourist town of Jepara, north because the area directly adjacent to the northern coast of Java, so that coastal tourism became one of prima donnas. One of the most famous beach Kartini Beach, located only about 2 km west of Jepara regency government offices. Respect and tradition of walking, appears to have become mandatory in Jepara district. Kupatan tradition is tradition Eid celebrations were held a week after Idul Fitri, which is a tradition passed down through generations proved to have been made until now. Kartini Beach Kupatan traditions in the ceremony pelarungan ketengah buffalo head sea undertaken by the Regents and local community leaders. That morning, around 06:30 hours Kartini Beach were greeted by hundreds of people, children to parents, busy and busy with activities, each seaside crowd. This crowd is not as usual, because the gate many heavily armed security officers who were conducting a security. It turned out that the group will enter the Regent of Jepara Kartini Beach and will perform the ceremony pelarungan ketengah buffalo head sea.
Labels: Potensi Wisata 0 comments
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Pariwisata di Jepara
Jepara merupakan sebuah kota indah di kaki gunung muria,boleh di bilang jepara merupakan kota yang sangat komplit (ibarat toko serba ada) walaupun tergolong sebuah kota kecil.Di sebelah timur di kawal dengan keexotisan gunung muria,di sebelah selatan terhampar pantai dengan panorama yang indah,dan masih banyak lagi keistimewaan yang lain.Temukan keistimewaan Jepara di sini.